Game bully ps2

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Like many others, I long for the day that a sequel or even a full remake is announced. Bully is one of the best PS2 games ever made and certainly ranks in my top favorite games of all time. I simply adore the game in a way words cannot explain. I own it on four different consoles as well as on my phone. At this point, I’ve played it a dozen times.

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I may have a bias towards Bully as I grew up playing it. Let’s take a look at what made Bully so great.

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Nobody knows what Rockstar is working on at the moment but I wouldn’t be surprised if Bully 2 was currently in the works given how successful the original was. It’s a true classic that lives on to this day and fans are clamoring for a sequel to this beloved gem. Bully took the world by storm in 2006 on the PS2 before porting to various other consoles throughout the years.